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A block of  mass 2Kg is kept on a rough horizontal surface. It is pulled by applying a horizontal force F μs=0.6 and μk=0.4
i)  If F = 12 N, frictional force on the block is 7.84N
ii)  If F = 10 N, frictional force on the block is 10 N
iii)  If F = 7.84 N, frictional force on the block is zero

i and ii are correct
ii and iii are correct
i and iii are correct
All are correct

detailed solution

Correct option is A

Minimum force required to move the bodyμsmg=0.6×2×9.8=1.2×9.8=11.76if F = 12 > 11.76   So frictional force = μkgm= 7.84 N.if F = 10 < 11.76  frictional force is 10 N.

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