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A body executes simple harmonic motion the potential energy (PE),  the kinetic energy (KE) and total energy (TE) are measured as a function of displacement x. Which of the following statement is true?

KE is maximum when x=0
TE is zero when x=0
KE is maximum when x is maximum
PE is maximum when x=0

detailed solution

Correct option is A

At x=0, KE is maximum and PE is minimumkinetic energy of simple harmonic oscillator is = K=12mω2(A2-x2) When x=0,  K=12mω2(A2)  this is maximum energy  potential energy of simple harmonic oscillator is = PE==12mω2(x2)  When x=0, PE=0 total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator =TE=12mω2(A2)=constant

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