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In the case of hydrogen and oxygen, at NTP which of the following quantities is / are same?

(1) Average momentum per molecule 
(2) Average kinetic energy per molecule
(3) Kinetic energy per unit volume  
(4) Kinetic energy per unit mass

(1) and (2)
(2) and (3)
(3) and (4)
All are true

detailed solution

Correct option is B

vRMS=3RTM=3kTm ;     vAVG=8RTπM=8kTπmBoth these depend on nature of gas.Average momentum = mvAVG=8kTmπ (depends on nature of gas).Average kinetic energy per molecule =  12mvRMS2=12m3kTm=32kT (independent of nature of gas, depends on temperature).Kinetic energy per unit volume =  N12mvRMS2V=N12m3mkTV=32kTNVUsing PV = nRT and  n=NNA, we get,  n=NV=PNARTSince, pressure and temperature are same correspondingly, So, NV  is same.Kinetic energy per unit mass=   N12mvRMS2mass  of  gas=N12m3mkTmN=32mkT  (depends on nature of gas and temperature).

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