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Refraction of light


A child in a toy car is moving towards a thin walled cubical glass container filled with water with a velocity of 3 cm/s, whereas fish is moving towards child with a velocity of  4 cm/s as shown in the figure. The wall behind the fish is silvered (Refractive index of water is μ=4/3 and of glass wall is 1.5). Match the following

Column – IColumn – II
AVelocity of child as observed by fish(p)Zero
BVelocity of fish as observed by child(q)6 cm/s
CVelocity of image of fish by reflection from mirror as observed by child.(r)8 cm/s
DVelocity of image of child by reflection from mirror as observed by fish (s)7 cm/s


Velocity of child as observed by fish=VCF

Velocity of fish as observed by child=VFC

VCF=VF+μVC=4+43×3=8m/s VFC=VC+VFμ=3+443=6m/s

Reflection of mirror:

velocity of image of fish with respect to mirror =F'= 4m/s

velocity of image of fish wrt boy=F''= VFμ=443=3m/s i.e., fish is relatively at rest wrt boy

velocity of image of boy wrt fish=μVC=43×3=4m/s i.e boy is relatively at rest wrt fish




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