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Magnetic flux and induced emf


A closed coil having 20 turns, area of cross-section 1 cm2 and  negligible resistance are connected to a ballistic galvanometer of resistance 30 ohms. If the normal of the coil is inclined at 60o to the direction of a magnetic field of intensity 1.5 Wb/m2, the coil is quickly pulled out of the field to a region of zero magnetic field, the charge (in μC) passed through the galvanometer is ______.


The total flux linked with the coil having turns N and area A is

ϕinitial =N(BA)=NBAcosθ=NBAcos60=NBA2

When the coil is pulled out, the flux becomes zero ϕfinal =0

 The change in flux is Δϕ=NBA20

Hence the charge flowed through the circuit is


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