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Redistribution of charges and concept of common potential


A conducting body 1 has some initial charge Q, and its capacitance is C. There are two other conducting bodies, 2 and 3, having capacitance: C2 = 2C and C3. Bodies 2 and 3 are initially uncharged. Body 2 is touched with body 1. Then, body 2 is removed from body 1 and touched with body 3, and then removed. This process is repeated for N times. If the charge on body 1 at the end is found to be QxN, find the value of x. 


Initial charge on 1 = Q when C1 and C2 are touched

Q1Q2=C2C=12Q1=Q3, Q2=2Q3

Now when C2 and C3 are touched 


Again when C1 and C2 are touched


Similarly, we can say after N times it becomes QN=Q3N

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