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A conical capillary tube as shown in figure is submerged in a liquid. Contact angle between the liquid and capillary is  0° and the weight of liquid inside the meniscus is to be neglected. T is surface tension of the liquid, rm is radius of the meniscus, g is acceleration due to gravity and  ρ is density of the liquid. Semi-vertex angle of conical tube is  θ

The height h in equilibrium is  2Trρg
The height h in equilibrium is  2Tcosθrρg
The radius of conical tube at the level where meniscus is formed is almost equal to  rmcosθ
The radius of conical tube at the level where meniscus is formed is almost equal to  r/cosθ

detailed solution

Correct option is B

r=rmcos⁡θAlso, P0−2Trm+ρgh=P0⇒ h=2Trmρg=2Tcosθrρg

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