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Consider the following statements.
(A) Young's modulus for a perfectly plastic body is zero.
(B) For a perfectly plastic body, restoring force is zero

Select the correct option.
(a)(A) is false, But (B) is true.
(b) Both (A) and (B)are true.
(c) (A) is true, But (B) is false.
(d) Both (A)and(B)are false.

Both (A) and (B) are true.
(A) is true but (A) is false.
(A) is false but (B) is true.
Both (A) and (B) are false.

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Correct option is A

BOTH A and B are true.

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(b) Both (A) and (B)are true.
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(d) Both (A) and (B)are false.

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