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Kinetic theory of ideal gases


Consider a rectangular block of wood moving with a velocity v0 in a gas of mass  density  ρ and at temperature T. Assuming the velocity is along x-axis and the  area of cross-section of the block perpendicular to v0  is A.The drag force acting  on the block is  NρAv0kTm, where m is mass of each molecule. Find N.

Very difficult

Using kinetic theory of ideal gases,
n = number density of molecules
m = mass of each gas molecule
vRMS = RMS velocity of each gas molecule
v = velocity of molecule that is moving along x-axis
As RMS velocity along each direction is equal  vRMSx=vRMSY=vRMSZ=v
Now,  vRMS2=vRMSx2=vRMSy2=vRMSz2=3v2
Let block move towards right. It faces “front” molecules that collide with the block  while moving towards left. Also there are “back” molecules that collide with the  block from behind while moving towards right.
Relative speed of “front” molecules before collision =  v+v0
Relative speed of “back” molecules before collision =  vv0
Since, collisions are elastic, relative speed of molecules remains same before and  after collision. Since, block is  heavy, so it does not change its speed and direction  of motion.
After collision, “front” molecules move towards right, and “back” molecules move  towards left.
Let  v1 and v2  be speeds of “front” and “back” molecules along x-axis respectively  after collision.
So,  v+v0=v1v0v1=v+2v0
And,  vv0=v0v2v2=v2v0
Magnitude of momentum transferred by each “front” molecule to the block = mass  of  moleculechange   in  its  velocity=mv+2v0v=2mv+v0
 Its direction is towards left.
Magnitude of momentum transferred by each “back” molecule to the block =mass  of  moleculechange   in  its  velocity=mv2v0v=2mvv0
 Its direction is towards  right.
Consider an interval of time Δt. All “front” molecules within a distance (along x-axis) v+v0Δt will collide with the block. And “back” molecules within a distance (along  x-axis) vv0Δt will collide with the block.
Momentum transferred by “front” molecules in time  Δt = half  the  number  of  molecules  involume  Av+v0Δtmomentum  transferred  by  each  "front"  molecule12nAv+v0Δt2mv+v0=nmAv+v02Δt
(The factor of half is considered because half of molecules move towards the block  and other half towards the block, in each direction).
Similarly, momentum transferred by “back” molecules in time  Δt = half  the  number  of  molecules  involume  Avv0Δtmomentum  transferred  by  each  "back"  molecule
Total momentum transferred to the block in time Δt is =  nmAv+v02ΔtnmAvv02Δt
=  4nmAvv0Δt
Hence, drag force on the block =  momentum  transferred  to  block  time=4nmAvv0
But  mn=ρ (density of gas)
And  vRMS=3kTm
So,  v2=vRMS23=3kTm3=kTm
Hence, drag force = 4ρAv0kTm .

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