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A cork floating on the pond water executes a simple harmonic motion, moving up and down over a range of 4 cm. The time period of the motion is 1 s. At t=0, the cork is at its lowest position of oscillation, the position and velocity of the cork at t = 10.5 s, would be 

2 cm above the mean position, 0 m/s
2 cm below the mean position, 0 m/s
1 cm above the mean position, 23πm/s up
1 cm below the mean position, 23πm/s up

detailed solution

Correct option is A

As the range of motion is 4 cm, the amplitude of motion is +2 cm. 10.5 s is equal to 10.5 time period of simple harmonic motion; so we have to find the height and position of cork after one-half of time period as T/2 = 0.5 s. As at t = 10 s, the particle is at its lowest position, after half a time period the cork would be at its maximum height and velocity of cork at extreme position is zero.

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