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Wave nature of matter


An electron in hydrogen-like atom makes a transition from nth orbit and emits radiation  corresponding to Lyman series. If de-Broglie wavelength of electron in nth orbit is equal to the wavelength of radiation emitted, find the value of n. The atomic number of atom is 11.


If A is de-Broglie wavelength, then for nth stationary orbit


where rn is radius of nth orbit.

rn=ε0h2n2πmZe2 2πε0h2n2πmZe2=1λ=mZe22ε0h2n    ........(i)

For Lyman series of hydrogen like atom, wavelength is given as,

1λ=Z2R1121n2    ........(ii)

From Eqs. ) and (i), Z2R11n2=mZe22ε0h2n

Rydberg constant, R=me48ε02ch3

    Z2me48ε02ch311n2=mZe22ε0h2n or     1 11n2=4ε0chm2Z

Substituting given values, we get

=4×8.85×1012×3×108×6.62×1034n×1.6×10192×11=25n n21=25n or  n225n1=0n25±(25)2+4×1×1225±625225 

As negative n is not possible, n25

Alternative solution  :     Energy of emitted photon =

 = hCλ= 13.6 z2(1-1n2)   where λ = wavelength of emitted photon                =de broglie wavelength in n th orbit = 3.3nzA0

Solving n = 25 

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