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Dynamics of uniform and non uniform circular motion


A heavy particle slides under gravity down the inside of a smooth vertical tube held in vertical plane. It starts from the highest point with velocity 2ag, where a is the radius of the circle. The angular position θ (as shown in figure) at which the vertical acceleration of the particle is maximum, is given by cos-1pq. Find the value of p+q.



 At position θ, v2=v02+2gh​ where,  h=a1cosθ v2=2ag2+2ag1cosθv2=2ag2cosθAlso, N+mgcosθ=mv2aN+mgcosθ=2mg2cosθN=mg43cosθ​ Net vertical force, F=Ncosθ+mgF=mg4cosθ3cos2θ+1​ This force (or acceleration) will be maximum when dFdθ=04sinθ+6sinθcosθ=0sinθ4+6cosθ=0cosθ=23θ=cos123p+q=2+3=5

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