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Applications of SHM


A highly rigid cubical block B1 of small mass m and side L is fixed rigidly onto another cubical block B2 of same dimensions and of low modulus of rigidity η, such that the lower face of B1 completely covers the upper face of B2. The lower face of B2 is rigidly held on a horizontal surface. A small force F is applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of B1. After force is withdrawn, block B1 executes small oscillations, the time period of which is παmηL. The value of α is __________.



 Here, A=L2 and θ=xL

 Restoring force is F=ηAθ=ηLx

 Acceleration is a=ηLmx


  Oscillations are simple harmonic with ω=ηLm

 So,  T=2πω=2πmηL=π4mηL


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