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If a steady current I is flowing through a cylindrical element ABC. Choose the correct relationship :

Power across BC is 4 times the power across AB
Current densities in AB and BC are equal
Electric field due to current inside AB and BC are equal

detailed solution

Correct option is B

RB1=V2100, RB2=RB3=V260Current in bulbs I1=I2=250RB1+RB2=250 x 3008V2and I3=250RB3=250 x 60V2Power in bulbs W1=I12RB1, W2=I22RB2, W3=I32RB3⇒W1 : W2 : W3=250 x 3008V22V2100 : 250 x 3008V2V260 : 250 x 60V22V260= 15 : 25 : 64

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