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Angular momentum

If the velocity of a rotating body of mass 50 kg is given by \large \vec V = 3\vec {\,i\,} + 4\vec {\,j\,} + 5\vec{\,k\,} and radius vector \large \vec r = 2\vec {\,i\,} + 3\vec {\,j\,} + 4\vec{\,k\,}, then its angular momentum is.


\large \vec r \times \vec v = \left| {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\hat i}&{\hat j}&{\hat k}\\ 2&3&4\\ 3&4&5 \end{array}} \right|
\large = \hat i\left( {15 - 16} \right) - \hat j\left( {10 - 12} \right) + \hat k\left( {8 - 9} \right) = - \hat i + 2\hat j - \hat k
\large \vec L = m\left( {\vec r \times \vec v} \right) = 50\left( { - \hat i + 2\hat j - \hat k} \right)
\large = - 50\,\hat i + 100\hat j - 50\hat k

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