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A 60 kg mass is pushed with a enough force to start it moving and the same force is continued to act
afterwards. If the coefficient of static friction and sliding friction are 0.5 and 0.4 respectively, then the
acceleration of the body will be [BCECE (Mains) 2012] 

1 ms-2
3.9 ms-2
4.9 ms-2
6 ms-2

detailed solution

Correct option is A

Kinetic friction force  =μkR=μkmg=0.4×60×10=240 N and the limiting friction force=μsR=μsmg=0.5×60×10=300 NSo, the force applied on the body is 300 N and if the body is moving afterwards with the same force, then,Net accelerating force = Applied force - Kinetic forcem a=300-240⇒  a=60m=6060=1 ms-2

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