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A light cylindrical vessel which is kept on a frictional horizontal surface, its base area A and height H. A hole of cross –sectional area ‘a’ is made at a height H4 from it’s base (bottom).Then choose correct option/s.

The minimum coefficient of friction necessary for not sliding of the vessel due to the impact force of the emerging liquid is 32aA
Range of efflux is 3H2
If position of orifice is  H2  from bottom then range of efflux is maximum which is Rmax=H
From option (c) , if  a < < < A is not considered , then  Rmax1>H

detailed solution

Correct option is A

a)  μMg=av2ρWhere  v=32gHThen  μ=32aAb)  R=υt=32gH×2Hg×4=32Hc)  Rmax=2gH2×2Hg×2=Hd) If a<<υso that  Rmax1>H

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