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A message signal of frequency 100 MHz and peak voltage 100 V is used to execute amplitude modulation on a carrier wave of frequency 300 GHz and peak voltage 400 V . The modulation index and difference between the two side band frequencies are

0.25  ;  1×108Hz
4  ;  1×108Hz
0.25  ;  2×108Hz
4  ;  2×108Hz

detailed solution

Correct option is C

Given  :  fm=100MHz=100×106Hz , fc = 300 GHz                 Am=100V,     Ac=400V   We know that, Range of frequency in case of Amplitude modulation is (fc−fm)  to (fc+fm) . ∴ Band width=2fm = =2×100×106Hz = =2×108Hz  and   Modulation Index  = AmAc  = 100400 = 0.25

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