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The modulation frequency of an AM radio station is 250 kHz , which is 10% of the carrier wave. If another AM station approaches you for license,  what broadcast frequency will you allot?

2000 KHz
2250 KHz
2900 KHz
2750 KHz

detailed solution

Correct option is A

Given,     fm= 250 KHz  And also that fm  is 10 % of fc , i.e   fc=2500KHz  Now,  For a given carrier wave of frequency with modulation frequency  fm , the band width is calculated by  fupper=fc+fm flower=fc−fm  To avoid overlapping of band widths, net broadcast frequencies can be f1=fc±2fm,f2=fc±3fm  So next immediate available broad cast frequency is f1=fc+2fm =   2500+(2×250)=3000KHz     and     f1'=fc-2fm = 2500−(2×250)=2000KHz

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