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Monochromatic light waves of wavelength λ from two coherent sources fall on a large plane screen. One of the waves is emanated from a point source S located at distance L from the screen and other one is a broad plane wave as shown in the figure. 

Mark the correct options 

Central point of screen is dark spot
The shape of fringe on screen is elliptical
The distance between nth and (n – 1)th bright fringe is 2λL(n−n−1)
None of the above

detailed solution

Correct option is C

Let say nth bright fringe is forming at point P  Path difference, Δx = SP- RP = nλ ⇒Δx=L2+r2− L=nλ ⇒L2+r2=nλ+L ⇒L2+r2=n2λ2+L2+2nλL ⇒r=2nλL        [∵n2λ2 may be neglected]  ∴rn = 2nλL      and   rn−1=2(n−1)λL  Spacing between them = rn -  rn−1                                           = 2nλL - 2(n−1)λL                                           =2λL(n−n−1)

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