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Moving coil Galvanometer


A moving coil galvanometer is converted into an ammeter reading upto 0.03 A  by connecting a shunt of resistance 4r across it and into an ammeter reading upto 0.06 A  when a shunt of resistance r is connected across it. What is the maximum current which can be sent through this galvanometer if no shunt is used


\frac{{{i_g}}}{i} = \frac{S}{{G + S}} \Rightarrow {i_g}G = (i - {i_g})S

\therefore\,\, {i_g}G = (0.03 - {i_g})4r\,\,\,\,\,......(i)

and\,\,{i_g}G = (0.06 - {i_g})r\,\,\,\,\,.......(ii)

From (i) and (ii)

0.12 - 4{i_g} = 0.06 - {i_g} \Rightarrow {i_g} = 0.02A.

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