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Magnetic force


A non-uniform magnetic  field  exists in  the free space  and  given  as  B=B02x2k^, where   B0  and     are  positive constants.  A  particle  having  positive  charge  ‘q’  and  mass  ‘m’  is  projected  with  speed  ‘ v0’  along positive x-axis from the origin. The maximum distance of the charged particle from the y- axis  before  it  turns  back  due  to  the  magnetic  field is D.  (Ignore  any  interaction  other  than  magnetic field). If  D=(αm2v0qB0)1/β, where  α,  β are positive integers then find the value of  α times  β ?


Since, magnetic filed and velocity are perpendicular, speed of particle will never change. At the moment of turning back, the direction of velocity becomes parallel to y axis.

F=qv×B=q(vxi^+vyj^)(B02x2k^)F=(qvxB02x2j^)+(qvyB02x2i^)=Fyj^+Fxi^​​Fy=qB02x2vx mdvydt=qB02x2dxdt 0v0dvy=qB0m20xmaxx2dxv0=qB0m2  xmax33xmax=(3m2v0qB0)1/3

α=3, β=3

So, α times β=9


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