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A nuclide at rest emits an α-particle. In this process: 

α- particle moves with large velocity and the nucleus remains at rest
both α-particle and nucleus move with equal speed in opposite direction
both move in opposite directions but nucleus with greater speed
both move in opposite direction but α-particle with greater speed.

detailed solution

Correct option is D

As Fext = 0, hence Ps→ = constantor Pα→+PN→ = constantBecause nuclide was at rest before emission of α particle, hence according to law of conservation of momentum, Pα→+PN→ = 0or mαvα→+ mNvN→ = 0 or vα →  = -mNmαvN→Thus, α-particle and the nucleus move in opposite directions. Further, as mN >> mα, hence vα>>vN

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