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Dimensions of physical quantities


A particle of mass m is executing oscillation about origin on x-axis. Its potential energy is U(x)=K|X|n .If the time period T is function of its mass, amplitude (a) and (K) ; the value of n if T α a1/2 (K' is a constant) is _______________



T( mass )X(amp)Y(K)Z

M0L0T=[M]X[L]YML2nT2Z=MX+ZLY+2ZnZT2Z So, 2Z=1

or   Z=12         ................(i)

and, X+Z=0

 or  X=Z=12    ...........................(ii)

 and, Y+2ZnZ=0

 or Y=1n2[ from (i) and (ii)] 

 So, T(mass)1/2(amp)1n/2(K)1/2 Given T(amp)1/2 So  1n2=12 n=3

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