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A particle is moved along a path AB-BC-CD-DE-EF-FA, as shown in figure, in presence of a force  F=αyi^+2αxj^N, where x and y are in meter and  α=1Nm1. The work done on the particle by this force F will be ___ Joule.


 For AB:y= const F=yi^2xj^F=i^2xj^dr=dxi^ So, WAB=x=01Fdr=01dx=1J

 For BC:x=constF=yi^2j^dr=dyjWBC=y=10.52dyWBC=+1J

 For CD:y=const F=0.5i^2xj and dr=dxi^WCD=10.50.5dx=0.25J

 For DE:x= const F=yi^j^dr=dyj^WDE=y=0.50dy=+0.5J

 For EF:y=0 F=2×j^dr=dxi^WEF=0 For FA:x=0 F=yi^dr=dyj^WFA=0WNet=1+1+0.25+0.5=0.75J

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