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A particle moving in the  xy plane experiences a velocity dependent force  F=kvyi^+vxj^, where vx  and vy are the x and y components of its velocity  v.   If  a is the acceleration of the particle, then which of the following statements is true for the particle?

Kinetic energy of particle is constant in time
Quantity v→. a→  is constant in time
Quantity  v→ ×  a→  is constant in time
F→  arises due to a magnetic field

detailed solution

Correct option is C

let mass of the particle is m then  a→=km vyi^+vxj^  and  v→=vxi^+vyj^Let   km=α (constant)  So  αvy=dvxdt  and  αvx=dvydtDividing, dvxdvy=vyvx​⇒∫vxdvx=∫vydvy​⇒vx2−vy2=constant​​Now, v→×a→=vxi^+vyj^×kmvyi^+vxj^=kmvx2−vy2k^ = constant

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