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Stationary waves


In a pipe open at two ends a diatomic gas is oscillating in 1st harmonic. The length of the tube is π  m and the maximum pressure variation is  1.4Pa. The  maximum displacement of gas particles which are a distance of π3m  from one end is  x×106m. The value of x  is (Take 1atm= 105 Pa)


Open end pipe has pressure Node and displacement  Antinode, so, let open end be  x=0, then 
particle  displacement amplitude will be
s=s0coskx=ΔPmBkcoskx here , k=2πλ 
For sound  wave in a gas,  B=γP (adiabatic process)
So,  s=1.4Pa(γ×105Pa)×2πλcos(2πλx)
Diatomic gas,  γ=75
1st harmonic,  λ2=L=π or  λ=2π
Put x=π3m 
We get,  s=5×106m


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