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Rolling motion


A plank of mass M is placed on a smooth surface over which a cylinder of mass m (= M) and radius R = 1 m is placed as shown in figure. Now the plank is pulled towards the right with an external force F (= 2Mg). If the cylinder does not slip over the surface of the plank, find the linear acceleration of the cylinder (in m/s2). (Take g = 10 m/s2).


Here we are given that cylinder does not slip over the plank surface, it is the case of pure rolling. The friction between the plank and cylinder should be static. We can assume friction on cylinder in any direction, let it is acting on cylinder towards the right. As ftiction is acting on the cylinder towards the right, it must be towards the left on the plank as shown in the force diagram of figure.

Let the plank move towards the right with an acceleration a1. If we consider the motion of the cylinder w.r.t plank, the cylinder will experience a pseudo force ma1 in the left direction, due to which it will roll towards the left with respect to the plank with an acceleration a2. Let its angular acceleration during rolling be α, we have a2=

For translational motion of the plank, we have

Ff=Ma1                 …(i)

For translational motion of the cylinder with respect to the plank, we have

ma1f=ma2             …(ii)

For rotational motion of the cylinder with respect to the plank, we have 


Which gives f=12ma2           …(iii)

From Equations (i) and (ii), we get

ma112ma2=ma2 or a1=32a2            …(iv)

Using equations (i), (iii) and (iv), we get F12ma2=32Ma2


From Eq. (iv), a1=3F3M+m=15m/s2

As we have already discussed that the value of a2 is relative to the plank, the net acceleration of the cylinder will be given as a1a2.

Hence, the acceleration of the cylinder is

acylinder =a1a2=1510=5m/s2

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