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Rolling motion


A ring and a disc are initially at rest, side by side, at the top of an inclined plane which makes an  angle 60° with the horizontal. They start to roll without slipping at the same instant of time along the shortest path. If the time difference between their reaching the ground is 23/10s , then the height of the top of the inclined plane, in meters, is  ____________.

Take g=10m/s2


ac=gsinθ1+ICMR2 aring =gsinθ2,adisc =2gsinθ3 For ring hsinθ=12gsinθ2t12t1=4hgsin2θ=16h3g For disc, hsinθ=122gsinθ3t22t2=3hgsin2θ=4hg Given :t2t1=16h3g4hg=2310h432=23h=(23)3(423)=32h=0.75m

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