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Rms speed

The rms velocity of a gas at a given temperature is 300 m/s. What will be the rms velocity of a gas having twice the molecular weight and half the temperature in K.  


{V_{rms}}\, \propto \,\sqrt {\frac{T}{M}}

\frac{{{V_1}}}{{{V_2}}}\, = \sqrt {\frac{{{T_1}}}{{{T_2}}} \times \frac{{{M_2}}}{{{M_1}}}} \, = \,\sqrt {\frac{{2{T_1}}}{{{T_1}}} \times \frac{{2{M_1}}}{{{M_1}}}} \, \Rightarrow \,\frac{{300}}{{{V_2}}}\, = \,2\,

{V_2}\, = \,150m/\sec

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