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The saturation current density of a P-N junction germanium diode is 250mA/m2  at 300 K. Find the voltage ( in  V ) that would have to be applied across the junction to cause a forward current density  105A/m2 to flow. ( K=1.38×1023 J/K)

Very difficult

The current in the junction diode is given by I=IS(eeVηKT1)      For  Ge     η=1

Dividing by cross-section area, we get J=JS(eeVKT1)      (1) Put 

JS=250mA/m2   =250×103A/m2 J=105A/m2,    T=300 K

After solving (1) ,  JJs +1 = eeVKT

lnJJs +1 =eVKT V = KTe lnJJs +1

V = 1.38×1023×3001.6×10-19 ln105250×103 +1

V = 258.75×10-4 ×12.899=0.33 V

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