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Questions Ā 

As shown schematically in the figure, two vessels contain water solutions (at temperature š‘‡) of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) of different concentrations š‘›1 and š‘›2 (š‘›1 > š‘›2) molecules per unit volume with Ī”n=n1āˆ’n2ā‰Ŗn1 . . When they are connected by a tube of small length ā„“ and cross-sectional area S, KMnO4 starts to diffuse from the left to the right vessel through the tube. Consider the collection of molecules to behave as dilute ideal gases and the difference in their partial pressure in the two vessels causing the diffusion. The speed v of the molecules is limited by the viscous force āˆ’Ī²v on each molecule, where Ī² is a constant. Neglecting all terms of the order (Ī”n)2, which of the following is/are correct? (š‘˜šµ is the Boltzmann constant)-

the force causing the molecules to move across the tube isĀ Ī”nkBTS
force balance impliesĀ n1Ī²vā„“=Ī”nkBT
total number of molecules going across the tube per sec isĀ Ī”nā„“kBTĪ²S
rate of molecules getting transferred through the tube does not change with time

detailed solution

Correct option is A

PV=NkBTā‡’P=NVkBT=nkBTn1>>n1āˆ’n2=Ī”n F=P1-P2S=n1āˆ’n2kBTS=Ī”nkBTSOption (A) is correct.Viscous Force = Total number of molecules Ć—Ī²v=n1lSĪ²vIf viscous force is balanced by pressure force, then Ī”nkBTS=ā„“n1SĪ²vā‡’n1Ī²vā„“=Ī”nkBT    Option (B) is correct. Total number of molecules per sec=n1vdtSdt=n1vS=Ī”nkBTvSĪ²vā„“=Ī”nā„“kBTĪ²SOption (C) is correct.As āˆ†n will decrease with time therefore rate of molecules getting transfer decreases with time.Option (D) is incorrect.

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