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A small opening near the bottom of the vessel shown in figure has area ‘A’. A disk is held against the opening to keep the liquid from running out. Let F1  be the net force on the disk applied by liquid and air in this case. Now the disk is moved away from the opening a short distance. The liquid comes out and strikes the disk inelastically. Let F2  be the force exerted by the liquid in this condition just after the disc is moved.  Then F1F2  is



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Correct option is A

Let ‘ρ ’ be the density of liquid.  Then F1=(ΔP)A=ρgh  A …………………(1)In the second caseF2=  rate of change of momentumρAv2=ρA(2gh)2 Or  F2=2ρgh  A  ……………(2)From equations (1) and (2)F1F2=12

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