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A small particle of mass m moving inside a heavy, hollow and straight tube along the tube axis undergoes elastic collision at two ends. The tube has no friction and it is closed at one end by a flat surface while the other end is fitted with a heavy movable flat piston as shown in figure. When the distance of the piston from closed end is L = L0 the particle speed is v = v0. The piston is moved inward at a very low speed V such that V << dLL v0, where dL is the infinitesimal displacement of the piston. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ?

If the piston moves inward by dL, the particle speed increases by 2vdLL
After each collision with the piston, the particle speed increases by 2V
The rate at which the particle strikes the piston is v/L
The particle’s kinetic energy increases by a factor of 4 when the piston is moved inward from L0 to  L02

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Correct option is B

Let say after collision velocity of particle becomes v′ and piston keeps moving with same speed V Velocity of separation = Velocity of approach ⇒v′−V=v+V⇒v′=v+2V Thus after every collision with piston, speed of particle increases by 2V .  Time between two successive collision =T= Total dist to and fro  velocity =2Lv Rate of collision =f=1T=V2L Let say piston move by distance dL in time dt⇒dL=V×dt⇒dt=dLV In this dt time, No of collision occured with particle =n=dt×f=dLV×v2L After these n collisions, the increament in speed of particle =dv=n(2V)=dLV×V2L×2V⇒dv=dLL×v Since, L is decresing, we will put a negative sign, ⇒∫V0v dvV=−∫L0L0/2 dLL⇒v=2v0 Since, KE∝v2 ,  KE becomes 4 times.

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