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Fluid statics

A small stone is inside a ice block which floats in water. When the ice fully melts the level water


Let Vs and Vi be the volumes of stone and ice respectively, ρs and ρi be the densities of stone and ice respectively. Also, let ρw and Vw be the density of water and volume of displaced water respectively.

\thereforeBy law of floatation, \left( {{\rho _i}{V_i} + {\rho _s}{V_s}} \right)g = {\rho _w}{V_w}g

\Rightarrow {V_w} = \left( {{V_i}\frac{{{\rho _i}}}{{{\rho _w}}} + {V_s}\frac{{{\rho _s}}}{{{\rho _w}}}} \right)

= V{'_w} + V{"_w}

When the ice melts into water, volume of water = {V_i}\frac{{{\rho _i}}}{{{\rho _w}}} = V{'_w}

and volume of water displaced is the stone = {V_s} < {V_s}\frac{{{\rho _s}}}{{{\rho _w}}} = V{_w}

Since total volume of displaced water = Vs, which is less than Vw.

Hence option (2) is right.

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