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A thin metallic ring of radius 5 cm is made of a wire of resistance 2Ωm. The ring is placed in a uniform magnetic field of induction 1 Tesla with its plane perpendicular to the field. Now the ring starts rotating with angular velocity ω=10rad/sec. Then rms value of current induced in the ring is 

142 A
182 A
122 A
42 A

detailed solution

Correct option is B

At any time t, ϕ=BAcos⁡θ=πr2Bcos⁡ωt∴ ε=−dϕdt=πr2Bω sin⁡ωt∴  i=εR=πr2Bω sin⁡ωt2πr.λ=rBω2λsin⁡ωt∴ Im=rBω2λ and Irms=Im2=0.05×1×102×2×2 A=182 A

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