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A triangle wave pulse on a taut string travels in positive x–direction with speed v. the tension in the string is F, and linear mass density of string is  μ. At t = 0 the shape of pulse is given by

y(x,0)=0 if  x<Lh(L+x)L for L<x<0h(Lx)L for 0<x<L0 for x>L

Choose the INCORRECT statement(s). (h << L)

Magnitude of instantaneous power is zero for - L<(x-vt)<- L
Magnitude of instantaneous power is FvhL2 for (x – vt) < – L
Magnitude of instantaneous power is FvhL2 for (x – vt) > L
Magnitude of instantaneous power is FvhL2 for 0 < (x – vt) < L

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Correct option is A

Wave moves in positive x direction ∴replace x by x-vt to get yx,t y(x,t)=0 if  x-vt<−Lh(L+x-vt)L for −LLPower=P(x,t)=-F∂y∂x∂y∂tP(x,t)=-F00=0 if  x-vt<−L-FhL-hvL=FvhL2 for −LL

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