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Two blocks of masses 25 kg and 5 kg are placed on a horizontal table as shown in figure. A massless string passes over a frictionless and massless pulley whose one end is connected to 25 kg block and the other end is connected to block M. The coefficient of friction between two blocks is μ=0.3 and between the 5 kg block and ground is zero. The system is released from rest. If M = 45 kg the force of friction between two blocks (in N) is__________ (Take g = 10 m/s2)


Let say all blocks are moving with same acceleration and friction is static (no slipping).

45gT=45a............(1)Tf=25a...............(2)f=5a.......................(3)45g=75aa=45g75=6ms2So,f=56=30NLimitingFrictionfL=μ25g=75NSince  f<fL So, f is static =30N

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