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Two circular discs A and ,B with equal radii are blackened. They are heated to same temperature and are cooled under identical conditions. What inference do your draw from their cooling curves?

A and B have same  specific heat
Specific heat of A is less
Specific heat of B is less
Nothing can be said

detailed solution

Correct option is B

When a body cools by radiation, the rate of cooling is given by:                  dθdt = -eAσms(θ4-θ40)-ve sign shows that temperafure decreases, i.e., the body cools, s is the specific heat of material and θ0 is the surrounding temperatureor dθdt∝ 1si.e., rate of cooling(R = dθdt) is inversely proportional to the specific heat of material. For a, rate of cooling is large, therefore, specific heat of A is smaller.

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