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Magnetic flux and induced emf


Two concentric circular coils, C1and C2are placed in the  XY plane.  C1 has  500 turns, and a radius of 1cm .  C2 has 200  turns and radius of  20cmC2  carries a time dependent current It=(5t22t+3)A where  t is in s . The emf induced in C1 (in mV),at the instant  t=1sis4x. The value of x is ___________


Flux through 1 due to 2 =φ=N1B2A1=500200μ0I2R2πR12Induced emf in coil 1=E=dφdt=200×500×4π×107×π×1042×20×102×dIdt4x×103=200×500×π2×107×10410110t2 Put t = 1 s,  x=5.06 

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