Two rods are taken having same length and area and of the same material are joined side by side, heat is allowed to flow through them for 12 minutes. If now the rods are joined in parallel, then how much time will it take to flow the same amount of heat?
detailed solution
Correct option is B
in Series time of flow of heat ist1=12 minutes amount of heat that flows in two rods when in series is Q1=KseriesA(θ1-θ2)2lt1----(1) here Kseries is coefficient of thermal conductivity when rods are in series A is area of cross section θ1,θ2 is temperatures at their each end l is length of rod t1 is time of flow of heat In series, effective coefficeint of thermal conductivity is Kseries,l+lKseries=lK+lK Kseries= K when rods are in parallel , effective coefficeint of thermal conductivity is Kparallel=K1+K22 Kparallel=K+K2 Kparallel= K when rods are taken in parallel, amount of heat that flows in time t2 isQ2=Kparallel2A(θ1-θ2)lt2----(2) to find t2 equate eqn(1) and eqn(2)Q1=Q2 KseriesA(θ1-θ2)2lt1=Kparallel2A(θ1-θ2)lt2 here Kseries=Kparallel on solving we get t2=3 minutes ---(1)Similar Questions
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