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Coherent sources and their importance in interference


Two waves from coherent sources meet at a point in a path difference of x. Both the waves have same intensities I0. Match the following two columns.

Column IColumn II
 (a) If Δx=λ/3(p) Resultant intensity will become three times of I0 
 (b) If Δx=λ/6(q) Resultant intensity will remain same as that of I0 
 (c) If Δx=λ/4(r) Resultant intensity will become two times of I0 
 (d) If Δx=λ/2(s) Resultant intensity will become zero



Resultant Intensity

 I=4I0cos2πλx (a) I=4I0cos2πλ×λ3=I0 (b) I=4I0cos2πλ×λ6=3I0 (c) I=4I0cos2πλ×λ4=2I0 (d) I=4I0cos2πλ×λ2=0

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