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Two wires are fixed on a sonometer. Their tensions are in the ratio 8 : 1, their lengths are in the ratio 36 : 35, the diameters are in the ratio 4 : 1 and densities are in the ratio 1 : 2. Find the frequency of the beats produced if the note of the higher pitch has a frequency of 360 Hz.


T1T2=81,l1l2=3635,d1d2=41,ρ1ρ2=12 μ1=πd124ρ1  and  μ2=πd224ρ2.                μ1μ2=81 f1f2=l2l1×T1T2.μ2μ1=3536×81×18=3536.f2>f1 We  have   f2=360Hz  f1=f2×3536=350Hz beat  frequency=f2f1=10Hz

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