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A U tube of uniform bore of cross-sectional area A has been set up vertically with open ends facing up. Now m gm of a liquid of density d is poured into it. The column of liquid in this tube will oscillate with a period T such that

T = 2πMg
T = 2πMagd
T= 2πMgdA
T = 2πM2Adg

detailed solution

Correct option is D

If the level of liquid is depressed by cm on one side, then the level of liquid in column P is 2y cm higher than B as shown.The weight of extra liquid on the side P = 2Aydg.This becomes the restoring force on mass M.∴ Restoring acceleration = -2AydgMThis relation satisfies the condition of SHM i.e., a∝-y.Hence time periodT = 2πDisplacementAcceleration    = 2πy2AydgM   ⇒ T = 2πM2Adg

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