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In the V-T graph shown in figure:

 Column-I Column-II
i.Gas A is … and gas B is …p.monoatomic, diatomic
ii.PAPB isq.diatomic, monoatomic
iii..nAnB isr.

> 1

  s.< 1
  t.cannot say any thing

Now, match the given columns and select the correct option from the codes given below.


i-r, ii-s, iii-r
i-p, ii-q, iii-r
i-t, ii-t, iii-t
i-r, ii-s, iii-s

detailed solution

Correct option is C

From given V-T graph we cannot tell the nature of gas. Slope of V-T graph = nRPFrom graph (nRP)A>(nRP)B ⇒(nP)A>(nP)B⇒Cannot say anything about nAnB and PAPB

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