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A wave equation which gives the displacement along the Y direction is given by the equation y=104sin(60t+2x), where x and y are in metres and t is time in seconds. This represents a wave

Travelling with a velocity of 30 m/sec in the negative X direction
Of wavelength π metre
Of frequency 30/π Hz
Of amplitude 104 metre travelling along the negative X direction

detailed solution

Correct option is A

On comparing the given equation with y=asin(ω t+kx), it is clear that wave is travelling in negative x-direction.It's amplitude a = 104 m and ω = 60, k = 2. Hence frequency n=ω2π=602π=30πHzk=2πλ=2⇒λ=π m  and  v=ωk=602=30 m/s

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