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Which of the following is true when Bohr gave his model for hydrogen atom?

It was not known that hydrogen lines could be explained as differences of terms like R/n2 with R being a constant and n an integer.
It was not known that positive charge is concentrated in a nucleus of small size.
It was not known that radiant energy occurred in energy bundles defined by hv with h being a constant and v a frequency.
Bohr knew terms like R/n2 and in the process of choosing allowed the orbits to fit them, he got angular momentum=nh/2π as a deduction.

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Correct option is D

a. No, since Balmer formula was known.b. No, since Rutherford scattering experiment was known.c. No, since Einstein's photon theory was known.d. Bohr chose 'allowed' energy levels ∝1/n2 and these led to angular momentum quantized as a derivation.

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