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Physical quantities and units


Young's modulus of steel is 19×1010N/m2 . Express it as x×1011 dyne /cm2. Here dyne is the CGS unit of force. The value of x is ________________


The unit of Young's modulus is N/m2. This suggests that it has dimensions of  Force ( distance )2

 Thus, [Y]=[F]L2=MLT2L2=ML1T2N/m2 is in SI units.   So, 1N/m2=(1kg)(1m)1(1s)2  and 1dyne/cm2=(1g)(1cm)1(1s)2  so,  1N/m21dyne/cm2=1kg1g1m1cm11s1s2=1000×1100×1=10 or 1N/m2=10dyne/cm2 or 19×1010N/m2=19×1011 dyne /cm2


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