Choose the correct combination.
Cells | Characteristic | Function | |
(1) | Oligodendrocytes | Branched, cytoplasmic extensions | Myelinate axons in PNS |
(2) | Smooth muscle cells | Uninucleate, fusiform | Swallowing of food |
(3) | Eosinophils | Bilobed nucleus | Engulf microbes |
(4) | Goblet cells | Unicellular exocrine glands | Secrete mucous which traps bacteria |
detailed solution
Correct option is D
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Which type of tissue is not correctly matched with its general function or location?
Tissue | Function | Location | |
1) | Cuboidal epithelium | Helps in secretion and absorption | Tubular parts of nephron |
2) | Squamous epithelium | Forms diffusion boundary | Alveoli of lungs |
3) | Ciliated epithelium | Moves particles/mucus in a specific direction | Lining of fallopian tube |
4) | Columnar epithelium | Helps in secretion and absorption | Inner lining of blood vessels |
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