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Rh incompatibility may arise when

mother is Rh+ and foetus is Rh-.
mother is Rh- and foetus is Rh+.
both mother and foetus are Rh+.
both mother and foetus are Rh-.

detailed solution

Correct option is B

Rh incompatibility arises when mother is Rh- and foetus is Rh+. During the delivery of the first child, there is a possibility of exposure of the maternal blood to small amounts of the Rh+ve blood from the foetus. In such cases, the mother starts preparing antibodies against Rh antigen in her blood. In case of her subsequent pregnancies, the Rh antibodies from the mother (Rh-ve) can leak into the blood of the foetus (Rh+ve) and destroy the foetal RBCs.

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